Top 5 Free minecraft server hosting 24/7 in 2024

Minecraft server hosting is important because it allows players to host their own servers and play the game with friends or other players online. Without server hosting, players would only be able to play the game in single player mode or on servers run by others. Hosting a server also allows players to customize their gaming experience by installing mods and plugins, and setting their own rules and guidelines for the server. Additionally, hosting a server can be a good way for players to build a community and connect with other players who share their interests.

Free vs Paid minecraft server hosting

Free and paid Minecraft server hosting both have their own benefits and drawbacks.

Free Minecraft server hosting is a good option for those who are on a budget or just want to try out hosting a server. These servers are typically run by individual players or small communities and have limited resources and capabilities. They may have restrictions on the number of players allowed, the amount of storage available, and the types of plugins and mods that can be installed. Additionally, free servers may experience downtime or have less reliable uptime.

Free Minecraft server hosting typically offers the following features:

  • Limited player capacity: Free servers usually have a lower player capacity than paid servers, meaning that only a certain number of players can join the server at a time.
  • Limited storage space: Free servers also have less storage space available, which means that players may not be able to store as many files, such as worlds, plugins, or mods.
  • Limited plugin and mod support: Free servers may also have limitations on the types of plugins and mods that can be installed, or may have restrictions on the number of plugins and mods that can be used.
  • Limited control over server settings: Players may not have full control over the server settings, such as server name, player slots, and other options that can be configured.
  • Limited uptime: Free servers may experience more downtime and have less reliable uptime, meaning that the server may not always be available for players to join.
  • No customer support: Free servers typically do not offer customer support, so players may have to rely on online forums or community support to troubleshoot any issues they encounter.

It’s worth noting that these limitations may vary depending on the provider of the free server hosting. Some providers may offer more features and better support than others.

Paid Minecraft server hosting, on the other hand, typically offers more resources and capabilities, including more storage space, higher player capacity, and more advanced control over the server. They also provide better uptime and performance, as well as customer support. Paid server hosting also allows players to install a wide range of plugins and mods, and configure their server settings to their liking. However, paid server hosting can be more expensive and may not be accessible for some players.

Ultimately, the choice between free and paid Minecraft server hosting will depend on your budget, the size of your community, and the level of control and customization you want over your server.

  • High player capacity: Paid servers usually have a higher player capacity than free servers, meaning that more players can join the server at a time.
  • More storage space: Paid servers also have more storage space available, which means that players can store more files, such as worlds, plugins, or mods.
  • More plugin and mod support: Paid servers typically offer more plugin and mod support, allowing players to install a wider range of plugins and mods to customize their gaming experience.
  • More control over server settings: Paid servers typically offer more control over server settings, such as server name, player slots, and other options that can be configured.
  • Better uptime and performance: Paid servers usually offer better uptime and performance, meaning that the server will be more stable and available for players to join.
  • Customer support: Paid servers typically offer customer support, which means that players can contact the server provider for help and assistance with any issues they encounter.
  • DDoS protection: Paid servers may also include DDoS protection, which helps protect the server against Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks. This can be important if you want to ensure your server is always available to your players.
  • Backup: Paid servers also allow you to make backup and restore your server’s data, which can be useful in case of any data loss.

It’s worth noting that these features may vary depending on the provider of the paid server hosting. Some providers may offer more features and better support than others, so it’s important to do research and compare different providers before making a decision.

List of the free minecraft server hosting 24/7

There are several providers that offer free Minecraft server hosting with 24/7 uptime, but please note that the features and capabilities of these servers may vary. Here is a list of a few providers that offer free Minecraft server hosting with 24/7 uptime:

  • Aternos: Aternos is a popular provider of free Minecraft server hosting with 24/7 uptime. They offer a wide range of plugins and mods, and also have a user-friendly interface.
  • is a provider of free Minecraft server hosting with 24/7 uptime. They provide a simple and easy-to-use control panel, and also offer a wide range of plugins and mods.
  • MCProHosting: MCProHosting is a provider of free Minecraft server hosting with 24/7 uptime. They offer a wide range of plugins and mods, and also have a user-friendly interface.
  • Minehut: Minehut is a provider of free Minecraft server hosting with 24/7 uptime. They offer a wide range of plugins and mods, and also have a user-friendly interface.
  • Glowing Mines: Glowing Mines is a provider of free Minecraft server hosting with 24/7 uptime. They offer a wide range of plugins and mods, and also have a user-friendly interface.

It’s worth noting that the availability of these providers may change over time and these providers may have certain limitations and restrictions. Before choosing any provider, It’s important to thoroughly read their terms of service, check their reviews, and also check their website for more information.

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